"Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate
And though I oft have passed them by
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun."
J.R.R. Tolkien
I came across this quote by Tolkien when I was trying to think of a caption for this photo I took of a gate at my local park. I like taking photos. I have an Instagram account that is my creative outlet. Photos are quick and simple, which fits well into my not so simple life. I usually try to think up some whimsical nonsense to caption my photos, but this particular instance, I decided to search for a quote by someone else. And I came across Tolkien. Sometimes we stumble across things when we most need them. I do feel like a new road or gate is just around the corner, but perhaps unknowingly I'm wandering past such gates and roads everyday. Not realising that they may lead me to new adventures, maybe magic and just maybe finding some happiness and peace from an ever challenging life. I was very sad when I wrote my last post. I'm not here writing my life to edit it. On the contrary, I think self editing and becoming everything for everyone else but myself, has been my downfall. Will it all get miraculously better? Unlikely. At any rate, I take comfort in the hope that life will get better, at least just in moments. Perhaps hope is a desperate delusion. Nevertheless, it makes me feel a little better. I aspire to have hopes and dreams in finding adventures "West of the Moon, East of the Sun". Maybe we should all take Tolkien's advice and explore the hidden paths we keep passing by. But what would I know of what Tolkien was trying to convey. I'm sure there is an essay somewhere, that has distilled all his words down to poetic forms and devices. Anyway. Go find more magic and less sadness.