Just over a year ago I posted this interaction on my Facebook status. It popped up in my memories, so I thought I would share here. I wonder how this guy is doing today. I hope he is well. This morning at a bus stop I met a man. He was on his way to a funeral. His 22 year old cousin (if I remember correctly) had passed away from complications of a genetic disorder. A rough way to start the year, with a funeral and I said as much in our conversation. This man then went on to tell me he was surprised to still be alive himself. He went on to tell me that he was a recovering addict, had been in jail, he had very much led a dark turbulent life. He said until he went to rehab he blamed everyone else for his problems and all the hardship life threw his way, he realised in rehab that he was his own problem and it was no one else's fault where he found himself. He also told me he did have a tough childhood, which contributed to where he found himself, but it was his actions that kept him...
I am hitchhiking on the road of life, trying to find meaning in the universe, while this cloud of melancholy rains on my parade