It has been twelve months since my mind broke. Twelve months since my grip on reality slipped and I was delusional, paranoid, panicking and suicidal. Scarily suicidal. I made a choice to make a phone call instead of walking out of my house and ending my life. It doesn't feel like twelve months, it feels like yesterday and twelves years ago simultaneously. Today I am well. My mental wellness is so much better. I am thankful for being functional, but as I have said in the past you can be functional, but still be unwell. I am beginning to transcend the functional and find myself more thriving. Enjoying moments with my children, my partner. Taking the time to catch my breath in the relentless busy of life. But now that the world has plummeted into a global pandemic, I have been anxious about how I would navigate the change in routine for our family and tackling homeschooling with the children. I am super happy to report that everyone is going great, I am proud of the transition the chi...
I am hitchhiking on the road of life, trying to find meaning in the universe, while this cloud of melancholy rains on my parade